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Teen PhotoTherapy Workshop

  • Downtown Huntsville BIA 8 West St. North Unit #4 Huntsville, Ontario Canada (map)

Picture Yourself Well - Kelly Gauthier is hosting a Teen PhotoTherapy Workshop this January!

Teen Are From Earth Parents Are From Mars is the first in a series of 4 workshops that are designed to support your teens personal growth and their relationship building with themselves, friends, teachers, and parents.

Being a teen isn't easy, especially in this day and age. It can often be a frustrating and confusing time where trying to figure out who you are can get overshadowed by who everyone else expects you to be.

These 4 workshops are designed to support your teens' personal growth while building an understanding for why parents need to parent, why friends and classmates can be cruel, why teachers expect so much, and how their responses to these situations can affect their own mental health and overall outcomes.

For more information or to register your teen, feel free to call me or send me an email at or 416.712.5689

A 15% discount will be applied to those who register before December 15, 2021. Please be advised that space is limited to 8 to ensure covid protocols and adequate spacing are adhered to.

December 9

Service of Comfort and Hope

January 12

Teen Phototherapy Workshop